Sunday, October 28, 2012

Preparing the PowerPoint Presentation.

Lawrence Lessig utilizes a simple, yet effective design of PowerPoint for his presentations. His style consists of brief plain slides, each usually containing small amounts of text accompanied by a solid background color. Below are steps detailing the setup of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation following the form of Lessig on a pc computer.

1. Locate the Microsoft PowerPoint program on your desktop and open it

2. Once opened, click on the "Home" tab and select the option "New-Slide"

3. Click on the "Design" tab

4. With the "Design" tab selected, click on the option titled "colors" and select the sub-heading "Essential."


5. Select the tab "Background Styles" and click on the red box (third one from the left

6. Be sure to check that the slide background is now a uniform red color.

7. Click on the "Fonts" tab and from the subheadings select "Verdana."

8. In order to place texts into the slides, click the "Insert" tab and locate the option titled "Text Box."

9. With "Text Box" selected click inside the actual side. An adjustable box should appear, in which the text will be inserted.

Information in the following slides has been derived from a previous PowerPoint presentation about fair use and copyright law.

10. Click inside the newly inserted "Text Box" and type "Fair Use: Super-Sized."

11. With the "Home" tab selected, change the font-size to 40 and be sure the font is "Verdana."

12. Center the text inside the by clicking on the alignment option circled below.

13. Place the "Text Box" in the center of the slide, dragging and re-sizing as necessary to match the slide below.

14. Follow the same steps listed above to replicate the slides seen below.



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